Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Professional Hopes and Goals

Professional Hopes and Goals
Sometimes I don’t think we as teachers know exactly how much of a difference that our families input as far as curriculum can be. I have realized in the six years that I have been teaching early head start that the more I recognize parents as teachers in the classroom the more eager they are to participate in the classroom, which encourages students to do their best because they don’t want to disappoint parents or teachers. Our always great pleasure in working with families who have different cultural back grounds than me, mainly because I know they will be a lot of learning going on between us. Especially with me I love asking questions about their culture and seeing how I can make the classroom more comfortable for them, real artifacts are one of my favorites.


When you learn about the culture of a person you to understand who they are better, and it also helps to explain why they may have a certain attitude about things.  When working with children and families of diverse back grounds, one of the most important skills we need to develop in  teachers is their ability to build on the knowledge that students bring into classrooms, particularly that knowledge which is shaped by their family, community, and cultural histories (http://www.hfrp.org/family-involvement/fine-family-involvement-network-of-educators/member-insights/how-can-we-prepare-teachers-to-work-with-culturally-diverse-students-and-their-families-what-skills-should-educators-develop-to-do-this-successfully). It is amazing how much we can learn when we talk to families of different cultures. One hope that I have when working with children and families who come from diverse back grounds is that they notice the endless effort that I put forth to make them both feel comfortable in their new home away from home (the classroom). I want them to feel welcomed upon having their first conversation with me and even more comfortable when they come in the class, and see that I am open to any ideas that they might have to give me.


The early childhood field is growing everyday with the positions that we have for jobs and the topics that we are now recognizing more. Now if the pay scale would expand that would be wonderful, even still the passion that drives us to do what we do helps to ease the pain of the low salaries that we receive. The one goal that I would like to set for the early childhood field related to diversity, equity, and socials justice is quite simple. It’s that all early childhood programs that seek accreditation from the NAEYC show proof that they are implementing an anti-bias curriculum, I would hope that this would go into effect within the next five years or so. Maybe this would boost the morality for all of these things to be addressed in the early childhood classrooms.  


Over the last past eight weeks I feel that we all have grown together in so many ways. Every week I have looked forward to seeing you’ll posts especially your blogs they were my favorite. I wish each and every one of you’ll nothing but success in next classes and climbing up your professional ladders. I know whatever you’ll plan to put your knowledge towards will be nothing but great and a huge contribution to the early childhood education field. Remember to stay encouraged and always be your biggest cheer leader, the best is yet to come! Thank you for giving me the pleasure to share this class with you’ll. Dr. Horton you have been an awesome professor thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.



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Image result for social justice equity and diversity

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Welcoming Families From Around the World

Welcoming Families From Around the World
When I was in the 6th grade I became friends with a very sweet and friendly little girl who I will call Frances. She was originally from the area but had just moved back to our home town from Egypt. Her father was in the military and had moved the family back home because he was about to retire and begin a job in law enforcement. We never really talked into detail about her living in Egypt but she did mention that she loved it there, because where they lived it was always something to do. I was so fascinated with the fact that she had lived so far away in a place that I thought was very interesting. Which is the reason why I choose to pick this country. I think it would be so amazing and rewarding have a student that was from Egypt or any foreign country, we could learn so much from each other.

I love to do research so of course I would gather as much information about the family as I could before I actually met them. When I am done doing this I would contact the family personally, just to introduce myself and to let them know how excited I am about welcoming them and their child to our classroom family and community. I feel that when you contact people directly you show them that they are important to you and not just another contact in your professional contact list. Secondly I would develop and use vocabulary of greetings and key phrases in their primary language.  This can serve as an “ice breaker” and may make the family feel more comfortable with me.  It shows that them that, at least, I have taken time to enter into their world (www.dds.ca.gov/Publications/docs/Culturally_Responsive.pdf). I have seen this done before in the classroom and it really works, even if the parents have to correct you they appreciate the effort.

 Next I would become educated on their cultural beliefs, which would also take some researching. I would research things like what are their religious beliefs just in case they don’t want their child to participate in some of the programs that we have that are geared towards the holidays that we celebrate. I would go ahead and plan what I would have the child to do so they wouldn’t feel left out or feel if they are a burden. People and especially children like to see things that remind them of home when they are entering a new environment, so therefore I would try and find artifacts that are from their culture, for instance I might find clothing or pictures of Egypt and put them around the classroom. I might even try to get the cafeteria staff to prepare a small meal or snack from Egypt for them when they come to visit the center. Lastly I would try to discover some commonalities of experiences. This may be a hobby, styles of cooking, parenting secrets or anything that we both may have in common. These experiences would be used to establish a “bond.”  Which will help us relate to each other as individuals rather than as “clients” (www.dds.ca.gov/Publications/docs/Culturally_Responsive.pdf).   A health home school bond is always a key factor, it helps the child to feel more comfortable knowing that they are supported by both parties.

Being culturally responsive will benefit both me and the family from Egypt, because it will help both if us to be effective communicators. It will also cause students to be effective listeners. It will also help the students to become more motivated to get acquainted with the classroom and also their American Classmates. For instance if we decided to have a flag ceremony the new students might be excited and eager to tell about their country when it’s time for them to present their flag. By linking their culture and the new knowledge and skills they encounter inside school is at the heart of ensuring that all students achieve at high level (www.nea.org/assets/docs/PB13_CulturalCompetence08.pdf) I would hope that all of my efforts would show the new family that they are more than welcome to our center and community. Also for them not hesitate if they need help with any of their family needs, because we would be more than happy to assist them.


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Image result for families from Egypt
Image result for families from Egypt

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression
Prejudice has always been an issue that I have had a problem with. I just can’t understand why people would want to teach this negative behavior to their children and poison them with that nonsense. I am an African and when I look back on the history of how my race has been treated compared to other races its heart breaking. I remember when my aunt purchased the restaurant that my grandmother worked in when they were children. The signs above the doors that said blacks and whites only were still present. I just don’t understand how one can feel that they are better than someone because of their race, gender, or even economic status. I am a firm believer that we are all the same and come from the same ancestors, no one man is better than the next.

A few years back I was on face book and came across a movie clip that someone had share from a movie titled “Mr. and Mrs. Loving”. When I watched the clip the movie and more the plot of the movie sparked my interest. So of course me being the inquisitive person that I am I began to do my research on the main characters on the movie, and found out that it was true story along with a court case. To sum the movie up Mr. and Mrs. Loving met when they were just teenagers. They quietly fell in love and when Mildred became pregnant at the age of 18 they did what they thought was right and got married. However they would soon find out that society felt otherwise. They were married during a time when interracial marriages were looked down on, especially between blacks and whites. On July 11, 1958 the young and very much in love couple were married in Washing DC. They were not able to get married in Virginia due to the Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924 (known as an anti-miscegenation law) after getting married they returned to their home in Caroline County, Virginia (https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/388/1).  It wasn’t long before their martial bliss was covered by dark clouds October 1958, the Circuit Court [p3] of Caroline County, a grand jury issued an indictment charging the Lovings with violating Virginia's ban on interracial marriages. On January 6, 199, the Lovings pleaded guilty to the charge, and were sentenced to one year in jail; however, the trial judge suspended the sentence for a period of 25 years on the condition that the Lovings leave the State and not return to Virginia together for 25 years. He stated in an opinion that:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And, but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriage. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix (https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/388/1).

Everyone is entitled to their opinion this true, but this has to be the most ignorant comment that I have ever heard, coming from someone not only of the judicial system an educated professional that is supposed to be in favor for liberty and justice for all. This was just the beginning of their legal battle. It would not be to 1967 when the court would rule in their favor. The laws that were in place in the earlier years when it came to black and whites were just ignorant and unjustifiable. Love is a universal culture and language. The fact that these two were not to be together diminished equity to the fullest. We cannot help who we fall in love and should not be punished for doing so. I could not imagine being married to a man and having to move away from home town for the safety of our family. Then only visiting family members by going back home separately that’s no way for anyone to have to live. As you can see just from this case alone prejudice can be a very hurtful thing. I have experienced it more than once as I have expressed in other assignments, and I had never felt so hurt and helpless in my life. I remember when I was younger my cousin had a Chinese girlfriend. My family was very accepting of her and welcomed her every time she was in our presence. On the other hand her family was not in favor of my cousin at all because he was African American. The fact that he was a respect armed forces veteran and had numerous degrees didn’t mean anything to them. Eventually they broke up, I always thought it was a shame how their love couldn’t survive due to prejudices.   

Since the Loving VS. Virginia case mostly all of the segregation laws have been thrown out. However I feel that they were just rewritten in another form because prejudice is still present today in our judicial system and in our government. In order for us to continue to fight for equality for all and we must first learn to think outside the box and not be set in our own ways. Traveling is a good start because it helps to learn more about others and their reasons for living a certain way and doing things. It also good to take courses on diversity like this one to help you to see unknown biases that you may have. Be clear when communicating with people. One idea that I like the most is befriended someone of another race. Don’t be afraid to ask that coworker of a different race to lunch, you might find out you’ll have more in common than you think.


If you want to learn more about the Loving VS. Virginia case you can easily google them or check out the movie titled “Loving” Which came out on November 4 of this year.

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