Saturday, November 19, 2016

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions
I have really enjoyed learning about microagression, it has taught be so about the different aspects of biases. Before the only thing I really knew about people being bias was when people display prejudice. Now I know it is so much more than that. Granted all microagressions are very important but I have to be honest, racial microagression is the one that I have experienced the most. Microagressions can have long term affects like low self-esteem, mental health, self-concept, and more.

Yesterday, I was a victim of racial microagression at my job. I was in the process of filling some forms that pertain to my job during my maternity leave. So I called the lady in human resources who handles things like this to ask her two question. The same lady who has had many complaints against her because of her prejudice ways, especially against Africa Americans. However I simply asked her about what date to put on the form. She then proceed to tell me that one of the dates that I had asked about putting on the form did not apply to what I was filling the form out for. In a very nice way I explained to her that I was fully aware of what short term disability was and did not wish to get paid for anything but the days that were stated by my doctor that I would be out. Her response to me was and I quote “Well you put down whatever you want to put down and we are going to just send it in!” I immediately became angry because I felt that if it had been someone of her own I knew she wouldn’t have been rude like that, because I have seen how different she is with certain people. I wish there was some one that I could report her to, but unfortunately it’s not. Her boss is our executive director, who is well aware of previous complaints that have been made against this lady. So I know even if I talked to her and expressed how I feel, I conversation would be no more than just more water under the bridge. In addition to being angry, I also felt helpless.  I don’t know if she has gotten comfortable with treating people like this because she know there will be no actions taken against her, or if she is just tired of her job but won’t retire. Whatever the case maybe I wish that she would find it in her heart to be a better person, because feelings are all that some people have.

My experience with this week made me want to be a better person. It made me think about the way that I treat and react to people. It also made me think about how to handle myself when I am the victim of any type of microaggression. In my case I feel that maybe the community organization that I work for should do more works shops on diversity and maybe even microaggressions. After all Dr. Sue does suggest that  o successfully address systemic and individual microagressions, organizations must develop a systematic and long term commitment to educate the entire work force concerning diversity (Sue 2010).  Maybe if things like this are done people will begin to be more aware of their biases.




Sue, Derald, Wing. (2010) Micoraggression in everyday life Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation.NJ: John Wiley & Sons
Image result for racial microaggressions in the workplace

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

Hello class, this was a very enlightening assignment. I always love when I get to ask people outside of class for their opinion on the topics that we are discussing. This week I had the pleasure of talking to a good family friend, my sister, and my aunt. They were all very eager to help me when I told them I needed their assistance for this class. I valued all of their opinions and they were all quite interesting to me.

My interviews went as follows:

Leah:  Angela, What is your definition of culture and diversity?

Angela: “Culture is what you are raised around, you’re its morals and values that are taught to you by your family members. “ “Diversity is the outside world around you”

Leah: Cynthia, What is your definition of culture and diversity?

Cynthia- “Diversity is the state of having people who are different races, religions, and organizations live in the same community and get along.” “Culture is a set of rules and guidelines that you grow up by, it can be your language, religion, the way you dress, or even the way you talk.

Leah: Elle, What is your definition of culture and diversity? (Elle is my good friend who is Muslim he requested that I not use his real name. I was very delighted that he agreed to answer these two questions because he is a very secluded person and does not talk a lot.)


Elle- “Culture is knowing your history of the lineage that you as a family member and an individual comes from. It is the way you are taught to live your life until you enter the world and learn otherwise.”

“Diversity on the other hand is the difference between the learned cultures of individuals.”


All three of my participants gave wonderful answers to my questions, and I appreciate them for their valued opinions. I feel that the aspects of culture that I have learned in this class that were in my answers were dominant culture for one. Hence when Elle stated that “Culture is knowing your history of the lineage that you as a family member and an individual comes from. It is the way you are taught to live your life until you enter the world and learn otherwise.” Dominant culture makes one feel that their culture may not be correct, or can make one feel bad about being a part of their culture.  I also feel like culture class was introduced in some of the definition for diversity, because in reality a mixture of different cultures can cause a culture clash within a community. I also feel that family culture was expressed in each of the definitions for culture. I don’t feel that any of the aspects of culture and diversity were omitted however they were merely not mentioned. For instance social identities were not discussed, also culture and diversity in the school setting was not discussed. All of the definitions on culture and diversity made me value the opinions of others even more. It also made me realize that people all have their own unique thoughts of what culture and diversity, but at the end of the day they all have their same meaning of each topic.  It is always good to hear the opinions of others, it’s good to think outside the box at times.

 Image result for culture
Image result for diversity

Saturday, November 5, 2016

My Family Culture

My Family Culture
Hello class, this was a really interesting assignment. It really made me think long and hard and myself and my culture. Most people have things that they cherish that represent their culture in a very major way. For instance I have an uncle that has a lot of cultural art pieces and clothing from Africa that a friend who lives there sent to him via mail. Me on the other hand I don’t have that many items that represent my culture, but more so represent my interest. Immediately I be began thinking of all my belongings and how they related to my culture and which of the items that I would decide to take with me.

The first thing that came to my mind was a picture that was taken of my grandmother in the 1940’s. A wooden musical jewelry box that my great grandmother gave to my father, and lastly a calendar hand made by my grandmother. I would take the picture of my grandmother because she was the matriarch of our family, the glue that held us together. Even though she is with me in spirit and in my heart this picture has been in my family for years. She was the one that instilled morals and values in all of us, she taught me a lot about our culture. I would bring the jewelry box because it represents my father side of the family, my father cherished this jewelry box and once told me that it had been in my family for a while. So I guess it’s safe to say it is a family heirloom. I don’t have many items from my father’s side of the family so it would be very important to me to take this jewelry box with me. I would take the calendar that my grandmother made because it reminds of how people from my family like to make different arts and crafts.  
If once I got there I was told that I could only take one of the items, I would take the picture of my grandmother Aline. This would be my item of choice because she was very influential in my life. She taught not only her family but some many others different things about our culture. For instance she always had an outstanding garden every year. Keeping her picture would be a constant reminder of everything she every taught me and it would give a face to my children who never got a chance to meet her. My grandmother only had an eight grade education however she was very intelligent. She successfully raised seven children by herself along with helping to take care of others. That picture of her means a lot to me. This assignment really made me appreciate my grandmother for everything that she taught me even more. I always that highly of any possessions that she might have had, it kind of helps me to cope with the fact that she is no longer with us. However I hope that I am never put in the position to have to make a tough decision such as this.

(This is similar to what my father's jewelry box looks like)