Saturday, July 2, 2016

E stablishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

E stablishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources
Hello class, this has been an exciting week in class thus far. I found our blog assignment to be very interesting and exciting. I often wonder how the early childhood field is in other countries, so of course to actually be able to correspond with an early childhood professional from a different country would be very rewarding to me. I visited Jamaica once and fell in love with the country. The beauty of nature there is literally breath taking, and their culture and way of living is definitely one of a kind. However while I was there vacationing I didn’t get to learn to much about their educational system. I have had family who lived in Japan twice, due to them being a military family. I have always wanted to go there, their culture is very interesting to me. I really like how they are very serious about education, so therefore I would love to correspond with an early childhood educator from there as well.

When I went to the NAEYC link that had the list of e-mails of early childhood professionals it said “Access Denied”, which was very disappointing. Did this happen to anyone else? Once this happened I proceeded to go to the UNICEF web site. I really how well organized it is, after exploring the site I found the e-mail addresses of personnel for Jamaica and Japan. I e-mailed them both, as of now no one has e-mailed me back yet but the representative from UNICEF of Japan. Unfortunately she stated that at this time no one in their office had time to assist me due to their heavy work load. I have not heard anything from UNICEF in Jamaica. “I think I may lean more towards the alternate assignment for part 1. Reason being I don’t want to be late on my assignments due to lack of communication between myself and the chosen early childhood professional. At least with the pod cast I know they are there and I can listen to them and turn my assignments in a timely manner.    I still plan on e-mailing other early childhood professionals from other countries I might have some luck!

The website that I choose to explore is I choose to explore and study this website because since I have been an EHS teacher I have taught many students with disabilities. This website is an international membership organization for those who work with or on behalf of young children (0-8) with disabilities and other special needs and their families. ​I feel that I could learn to better serve children with disabilities from the information that is on this site. I look forward to researching this site further. When deciding which website to study I would say choose based on something that really interest you!
(Jamaican early childhood students and teacher)
(Japanese early childhood students)


  1. Leah,
    It looks as though we were assigned to this class during the wrong part of the year; I too have not had much luck with getting in contact with the representatives from the countries that I’ve chosen. I think that this could be a great learning opportunity and would hate to pass it up by choosing the alternative. I will be hopeful for a few more days before I make my decision on what to do. Good luck with your representatives, I hope it works out for you.


  2. You were not the only one that had an issue with the NAEYC link from the blog resource list. It may be a link that is only available for members. I went to the affiliate link on the NAEYC website to find their global alliances and that lead me to their affiliation with Europe. I also wanted to contact the UNICEF of Japan but after reading your blog post I choose to find another organization in Japan that may be available to help with this assignment. I wish you good luck with contacts!
