Hello class we have finally made it to the last week of
class. Like I have said before the blog assignments are my favorite, and I have
really enjoyed reading the blogs of each and every one of you. I really wish
that I could have talked to an early childhood educator that was from another
country. It would have been amazing to hear about how early childhood education
is in their country and how they are going about making it better. In lieu of
talking to an early childhood professional I did like exploring the different
websites that gave wonderful information and insights; on early education other
countries. I found it interesting that most of their early childhood education
programs were similar to ours, and how they struggle to make the importance of
early education known as we do here in the America.
It was awesome learning about the international early
childhood field for my professional development. It made me be more open to the
way that other countries run their early education systems. It also made me
want to bring some of their ideas to the table for my colleagues to consider to
see if we can better our program for the families and students. Lastly it made
me realize that even though the international childhood early childhood field
is challenging, their drive and dedication to give their children a chance at
getting a quality education make it all worthwhile. Which inspired me even more
to become more active in our field of early education. By writing to our representatives
more and attending meetings expressing the importance of early education and why
we need more funding for our programs for materials and teachers’ salaries. Personally
I learned to have more compassion and respect for other cultures that do things
differently from us when it comes to early education. At the end of the day we
have the same goal and that is to educate our young children so that they grow
up and become positive functioning members of society. Learning about the
international early childhood field also made me be more open to learning and
embracing new things. I hope to expand my studies and to teach overseas for at
least a year, just so I can get a better understanding of life. I plan to continue
to learn more about international early childhood, just to expand my knowledge
on different approaches to early education. I also plan to continue to reach
out to early educators that are international so I can hear about their perspectives
of early education, and what advice they might have for me as a young teacher.