Saturday, August 12, 2017

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

This week during my spare time I went on, and search for some jobs that were pertaining to early childhood education. I hope I am fortunate enough to advance in my career once I am finished completing my graduate programs. I have learned so much from the previous blogs as far as organizations that support early childhood education and the jobs that they offer. I actually have applies to work for the NAECY in the past. When I saw that our assignment for this week called for us to focus on international programs that focused on early childhood education UNICEF was the first organization that came to mind, I was very glad to see it on the list. Below you will find the three organizations that I choose, I hope you’ll enjoy.

United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)

§  I first found out about this organization when I entered my master’s degree program here at Walden, I think they are a wonderful organization who does great things in regard to children and their development. “For 70 years, across 190 countries and territories, UNICEF defends the rights of every child” (UNICEF, 2017). I really love that they strive to make the entire world a better place for all children. They also believe in quality educations for all children. “UNICEF strikes a balance between thorough research and practical solutions for children” (UNICEF, 2017). A few of their global partners are

(UNICEF, 2017)

Overall I just love their passion that they have for children, their efforts are endless. UNICEF is currently hiring for a Child Protection Specialist. “The Child Protection Specialist contributes in-depth technical knowledge and guidance on good practice around the ethical, safe, and secure monitoring of child rights violations in situations of armed conflict. They also contributes in-depth technical knowledge and guidance on good practice around the ethical, safe, and secure monitoring of child rights violations in situations of armed conflict” (UNICE, 2017). In order to complete this job I would need to have a master’s degree and a minimum of 8 years of professional experience working in human rights. I would also need to demonstrate knowledge of speaking other languages. This sounds like a very rewarding job.

The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

This organization is Farley new to me, however from my research on it I see that they are also trying to make the world a better place for children and everyone else. I really like that they are promoting peace by educating people on culture and communication.  UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community – as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities” (UNESC, 2017). I like the fact that they promote peace and nonviolence, our children need to be raised learning this so hatred won’t be as present as it is in some of our older generations. They have an array of jobs available but the one that interest me the most is the programee specialist, which works out of the technical and vocational educational training department. In order to fulfill this job I would have to a master’s degree in education and at least four years of experience in education and training. “In addition to this I would need to have kknowledge and understanding of education and socio-economic systems in a development and Middle Income Countries context, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. Good knowledge in TVET and possibly in one of the other areas (ESD, GCEd), and also Demonstrated fund raising and resource mobilization skills” (UNESC, 2017). I would hope that I could be beneficial to this organization.

Save the Children

 I choose this organization because they are striving to give all children a healthy start to life.  Save the Children is committed to conducting their programs and operations in a manner that keeps children safe and protects them from harm. They insist on 100% accountability for safeguarding the children that they are are privileged enough to serve. They have clear procedures to prevent, report and respond to any risks to children. No matter the challenge, they always put children first in everything that they do” (SavetheChildren, 2017). The job that interested me the most that they have available is the Director of Violence Prevention and Response, Child Protection. In order to succeed in this position I would need to have a bachelor’s degree in social work or child protection. I would also need experience in supervising child protection programs. In addition to this I would need to have the ability to think strategically and collaborate with others. Speaking a second language would also be a plus for this job. I hope when I am done with my schooling and have more work experience in the education field that I am able to hold one of these high positions.
Image result for unicef early childhood education
Image result for save the children
 Image result for unesco


Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved August 12, 2017 from

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved August 12, 2017, from

United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2011). Retrieved August 12, 2017 from


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